As we told you in a previous blog, WILPF Spain and the Human Rights programme were deeply worried about the judicial fees created in Spain preventing equal access to justice and limiting it for those with less means.
We raised this issue, amongst many others, at the Human Rights Council during the Universal Periodic Review of Spain and the Council showed its concern about access to justice in Spain.
Only a few days ago, the Spanish Government has announced its decision to abolish those taxes. It is indeed good news for human rights in Spain! This is a clear example of how the UPR and other UN human rights bodies can preasure governments and have a concrete impact on the national and local policies that affect you.
There are many other issues that still concern us when it comes to human rights in Spain: lack of transparency in the exports of weapons or in the budgeting of defence, widespread gender-based violence, limitations in the right to peaceful protest or abuses by transnational companies. WILPF will continue using the human rights bodies to make that change!
You can also use the human rights bodies to challenge human rights violations in your communities, to learn more about how this can be done and how being part of WILPF can help you have a look at our webinars.