The 25th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1-6 July 1992 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia:
Background Paper
From the Israeli Section:
(i) Publicise and support the sections’ peace and human rights activities; stress the slogan, “Two States – Palestine alongside Israel’; support our recommendations to nominate the humanist peace fighter Abie Nathan for the Nobel Peace Prize; carry out solidarity actions like Women in Black vigils’ help with material support, i.e. money for publications, tickets for Jewish-Arab delegations for travel abroad, etc.
(ii) Urge WILPF members participating in international conferences not to discriminate and, in relevant cases, condemn attacks on innocent Israeli citizens, same as on other nations’ citizens.
(iii) WILPF Israel has lost several members after the war in the Gulf because they could not overcome their feelings after the emergency conference in Geneva (2-3 February 1991), at which WILPFs delegates did not support the resolution which called for an unconditional stop to the devastating bombardments of Baghdad, but not the immediate stop to the Iraqi missile bombardment of Israel’s citizens.
(iv) Note that our section members continue their vigils of ‘Women in Black (demanding: stop the occupation!) despite the bombs, the threats of gas bombs and the hostile reactions of many people. Our members also carried bread and milk to the Palestinians under curfew in the Occupied Territories. Missiles hit some members’ houses.
(v) WILPF Israel urges sisters for more encouragement to strengthen our work for peace.