Reaffirming the decision of the IEC meeting in Aotearoa/New Zealand in 2002;
Remaining deeply concerned about ongoing reports of human rights violations in West Papua which, despite the campaign for independence by the Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) among others, remains a province of the Republic of Indonesia; and in particular
Concerned about ongoing reports of punitive military aggression by the Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) against the people of West Papua;
The 29th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting July 21-27, 2007 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia supports West Papuan independence and calls on the United Nations Secretary-General to thoroughly investigate these reports;
WILPF calls on the members of the Human Rights Council to take the opportunity of Indonesia’s Council membership to ensure its administration of West Papua, particularly in relation to the monitoring of human rights, is carefully scrutinized;
In addition, since the UN’s own conduct in relation to the so-called Act of Free Choice in West Papua is highly questionable, we call on the Secretary-General to initiate a review of the UN’s conduct in relation to the Act of Free Choice in West Papua in1969;
Finally, WILPF calls on the Republic of Indonesia to ensure access to West Papua by foreign journalists.