The 15th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 8-13 July 1962 in San Francisco, USA:
In view of the urgent need for education and training in the developing countries and in view of the great interest and willingness to contribute to this sector of Technical Assistance shown by the developed countries,
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom at its Fifteenth Triennial Congress, meeting in San Francisco (Asilomar, California), July 8-13, 1962, stresses the importance of giving girls and women full equality with boys and men in access to educational and vocational training. Where higher education centres are concerned, it may be foreseen that, even where equal formal opportunity exists, women may not be able to compete owing to a lower standard of general education.
Therefore, we urge that special care be taken at all levels of education to secure girls and women access, support and encouragement to qualify for varied community activities.