The 26th Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, August 1-6, 1995 in Helsinki, Finland:
The 26th International WILPF Congress is deeply concerned that increasing poverty and deprivation in many developing countries drives citizens into massive economic migration, and that migrant workers suffer a host of problems such as violence, racism, trafficking and poor working conditions.
(a) All WILPF sections to urge their government to ratify the UN Convention for the Protection of Rights of Migrants and their Families and to ratify, if not already done so, all other international instruments that seek to uphold the rights of migrants;
(b) International WILPF develop a program that addresses the issues of migration, including research, education and campaigns;
(c) WILPF sections to support positive actions that seek to address the root causes of migration of peoples;
(d) WILPF to ask the UN to monitor and provide appropriate actions against countries that do not observe the rights of migrants.