The 31st Triennial Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, meeting 22–24 April 2015 in The Hague, the Netherlands:
Recalls previous resolutions concerning the disastrous consequences from nuclear testing for site workers, people and the environment, including those arising from the 193 atmospheric and underground tests in Mururoa and Fangataufa between 1966 and 1996;
Notes that ever since the shutdown of the nuclear testing sites there has been a lack of transparency from the French Army and no real guarantees were given at the sanitary or environmental level to the Polynesian people;
Emphasises that nuclear tests are not only a burden inherited from the past, but also a “time bomb,” as recent studies show terrifying potential for seismic activity to disturb poorly secured storage of radioactive materials and release radiation into the Pacific ocean;
Calls for the implementation of an international research board to study all present and future consequences of nuclear tests in French Polynesia, be they social, sanitary, environmental; and
Demands that the secrecy of the Moruroa archives be lifted.