Sarajevo, 14 February 2014
Statement on the occasion of the social protests in BiH
“The rule of law, including full respect for equality between citizen and assurance of equal participation of women and men in all spheres of live, are imperative for further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina” – concluded the women participating in a conference Women Organizing for Change in Syria and Bosnia, that was held in Sarajevo. The participants of the conference, long-term activists from all over the country, are supporting the demands of the demonstrators throughout Bosnia, and highlight that there is no further development of democratic processes without equal participation and representation of women and men in decision-making bodies, at all levels of governance, which is also guaranteed by the provision in the Law on Gender Equality of BiH. Gender equality must be an integrative part of building a just society. Without gender equality there is no real social justice.
The participants of the conference stressed that one of the demands towards the government should be the limitation of mandates in a sense that no citizen can candidate or be elected for any function for more than three mandates, at any level of the government. This would create an environment where marginalization of youth would no longer be possible. With the aim of establishing mechanisms for monitoring of the implementation of the laws the country needs to improve its bodies for inspection and other monitoring bodies, as well as limit the mandates of the heads of these institutions.
The citizens must not be limited in their enjoyment of their rights to social and health protection by the constitutional structure of the state created by the Dayton Peace agreement. Establishment of a Fund for Social Protection is an imperative for equalization of social and health rights, especially those that lie within the competencies of cantons and entities and Brcko District, which also includes maternity rights and benefits and alike. All budgetary means planned for different reimbursements to governmental representatives should be redirected to the Fund for social protection.
The participants of this conference will present these demands also through the different plenums that are being organized in their local communities.
Signed by
UHD Prijateljice
Infoteka Zenica
Centar za pravnu pomoć ženama Zenica
Fondacija Bosanskohercegovačka inicijativa žena
Fondacija CURE Sarajevo
Forum žena Bratunac
Organizacija žena “Lara” Bijeljin
Udruženje “Žena BiH”
Udruženje građana ,,Žene Srebrenice”
Udruženje žena Forma F
Udruženje Žene ženama
Fondacija/Foundation Udružene žene/United Women Banja Luka
UHD “Prijateljice”
Žene za Žene International
Organizacija Budućnost Modriča
Ženska međunarodna liga za mir i slobodu
Biro za ljudska prava
Udruženje Srcem do Mira
Udruženje prijedorčaki «Izvor Prijedor»
Udruženje «Viva žene» Tuzla
Fondacija jedan svijet platforma za jugoistočnu Europu
Centar za studije o izbjeglim i raseljenim osobama
Udruženje SEKA Goražde
Cvijeta Novaković
Dubravka Kovačević
Klaudia Kuhulj
Lidija Živanović
Nejra Nuna Čengić
Nela Porobić Isaković
Samira Krehić
Mirha Pojskić