The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), meeting at the Quadrennial Congress in San José, Costa Rica in August 2011,
Welcoming the formation of United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), which was created in July 2010 by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and looking forward to its leadership and coherent strategy,
Acknowledging the appointment of Michelle Bachelet, M.D., who will lead, support, and coordinate the work on gender equality and the empowerment of women at global, regional, and country levels as the first Executive Director of UN Women,
Recalling the UN Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign, which urged UN Member States and the UN Secretariat to create a UN gender equality entity, now known as UN Women,
Recognizing that WILPF was part of the network of working groups for the GEAR Campaign and endorses and supports the advocacy of GEAR.
Bearing in mind that UN Women will focus on peace and security as one of five priority areas fundamental to women’s equality.
Acknowledging that women are disproportionately and uniquely impacted by armed conflict, that women play a central role in preventing conflict, and yet continue to be severely underrepresented in peace, security and reconstruction processes,
Reaffirming that the UN Security Council shall continue to be responsible for the implementation of Resolution 1325 and shall regularly work in collaboration with UN Women, inviting it to brief the Council and gaining from its expertise and information,
Considering the UN Security Council mandate, reaffirming that the Council shall remain a key focus for WILPF’s work on monitoring and advocating for systematic integration of women, peace and security,
Encouraging UN Women to advance women’s active role in total and universal disarmament, the abolition of all kinds of armed violence and the promotion of women’s role in conflict transformation,
- Supports and encourages UN Women in ensuring that women are represented in discussions, negotiations and policymaking regarding peace and security at local, national, regional and international levels;
- Urges that UN Women shall ensure that threats to women’s rights are identified and prevented and that women shall be at the centre of peace talks and post-conflict reconstruction;
- Requests the engagement and participation of UN Women with civil society and WILPF members in all areas of work including peace and security, and we urge increased UN access and transparency for civil society in all forums including the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW);
- Calls on UN Women to adopt a rights-based approach to fulfill women’s rights and securing peace;
- Urges UN Women to create a space and take measures in discussing key security issues, such as disarmament and reducing military spending;
- Encourages UN Women to provide leadership and coordination across and within the UN system on gender and on women, peace and security; including on sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations Peacekeepers and personnel;
- Demands all UN agencies, bodies and actors to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities on women’s rights and gender mainstream and not use existence of the new agency as a derogation of these;
- Offers to partner, monitor and assist UN Women in strengthening the UN system and promoting the continuous development and implementation of international law for the benefit of equality and human dignity; and
- Demands that countries follow through on their commitments and monetary pledges given the need for comprehensive funding of the programs and field offices of UN Women in meeting the expectation of women around the world, without reduction to existing civil society support.