WILPF had a very rewarding 2015 with its 100th Anniversary celebrations: the Centennial Congress and the Peace Conference.
Thanks to the financial contribution of WILPF national Sections, private donors and external public, most of our sisters, even those coming from financially weaker countries such as Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Palestine, and the Philippines, were able to attend the important events, one of which took place in The Hague, the Netherlands.
WILPF also extends its gratitude to volunteers, participants and partners for their generous financial and in-kind contributions, and extends a special thanks to the Anniversary Coordination team for their extraordinary work and great commitment that enabled the success of this celebration.
The 100th Anniversary has been challenging for WILPF on all domains. The path was long and uncertain, mainly because of fundraising challenges. Eventually WILPF, with the precious contribution of its members and the very hard work of its staff, managed to bring more than 1,000 peace activists and change-makers together and to make the celebrations in The Hague one of 2015’s most significant events.
The diagram below summarises clearly the main sources of financial support received: the registration fees were obviously vital to organise the events and thanks to a substantial participation, the anniversary celebration was a success. Private foundations and partner organisations also played a huge role in supporting WILPF financially, as well as private donors who contributed through the ‘Committee of 100’ or anonymously.
2015, a year of significant change
WILPF continues to grow. The increased revenue from the previous year continued into 2015 aiding in the organisations work with the continuous support of our national Sections, our partners and donors.
There are substantial changes in the management and organisation and they need to be seen as part of a continuing process of moving the organisation forward, making changes when and where necessary to ensure long-term stability and sustainability.
2015 has been a year of transition in WILPF financial management
In practice, financial management is about taking action to look after the financial health of the organisation, and not leaving things to chance, for the strategic growth of WILPF.
Additional achievements in 2015 included the following:
- Improvement of internal control processes with the implementation of improved financial management tools such as Finance Management Manuals and associated practices and forms;
- Two new staff members were recruited which helped to improve the financial management and planning of WILPF;
– Reinforcement of the Finance team at the Secretariat in Geneva with the recruitment of a Finance Manager.
– Reinforcement of Office Management with the recruitment of an Office Manager at the WILPF UNO office in New York.
Strategic update
Both the Geneva and New York offices’ management works in close collaboration with the International Treasurer, the UNO Treasurer and the Standing Finance Committee with the following objectives:
- Help WILPF managers to make effective and efficient use of the resources to achieve objectives;
- Improve collaboration with Sections through the ‘Treasurer’s Network’;
– Fulfill commitments towards stakeholders (beneficiaries, donors and members);
– Help WILPF to be more accountable to donors and other stakeholders;
– Gain the respect and confidence of funding agencies, partners and beneficiaries;
– Give WILPF the advantage in accessing limited resources (funding);
– Help WILPF prepare itself for long-term financial sustainability.
Members of the Standing Finance Committee have throughout 2015 engaged intensively in setting up improved financial management systems and on supporting the two offices toward that goal.
Sources of funding
One of the source of funds for the International Secretariat and the UNO Office is Section Fees, which represents 4% of WILPF International’s incomes in 2015.
Evolution of paid Section fees
Fundraising activities were also conducted, and the proceeds were used to fund projects in accordance with WILPF’s vision and mission.These fundraising activities are reflected in the graphic entitled “Sources of Funds in 2015” for the two international offices: Geneva and New York.
Looking ahead
The capacity to change and develop over time is fundamental, particularly when there is competition and limited resources. 2015 was a challenging year for WILPF; we were in the early days of some of our new financial management improvements.
We will continue in 2016/17 to strengthen the organisation’s financial management in order to secure the organisation’s growth and to develop WILPF’s financial sustainability.
We wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the many individuals who volunteered their time to contribute to the success of WILPF in 2015.
WILPF International Secretariat thanks you for your continuous support and generosity in helping us to prevent and end wars and conflict, and to work towards making our world a peaceful place for today’s and future generations.
Read our Annual Report 2015 to get more information on our work in 2015 >>
Please access our audited financial statements for 2015:
WILPF’s International Secretariat greatly appreciates all the support and generosity in helping us prevent and end war, and make the world a more peaceful place for today’s and future generations.
Download Geneva Office audited financial statements >>
Download New York (UNO) Office audited financial statements >>