Reasoning with the Patriarchy: the Political, Economic, and Social Fallout From Talking with the Taliban
Celebrating Feminists’ Voices, Inspiring Global Peace Back to all news Table of Contents Afghanistan is one of the most oppressive countries to live in today — especially if you are […]
WILPF dévoile les gagnants de sa deuxième collaboration photographique internationale explorant « Les hommes et l’amour en temps de guerre et de polarisation »
Micha Serraf (Zimbabwe) est le lauréat de la deuxième collaboration photographique internationale de WILPF, qui a invité des photographes du monde entier à répondre au thème « Les hommes et […]
WILPF unveils winners of its Second International Photography Collaboration exploring “Men and Love in Times of War and Polarisation”
Micha Serraf (Zimbabwe) is the winner of WILPF’s Second International Photography Collaboration which invited photographers from around the world to respond to the theme ‘Men and Love in Times of War […]
The Nuclear Ban Treaty Meets for its Second Meeting of States Parties
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which was adopted in 2017 and entered into force in 2021, is a ground-breaking legal instrument that outlaws the possession, development, […]
Resurfaced Memories When the Movement Started in Iran
I arrive at Istanbul Airport. I open my Instagram; I see people on the streets, and I hear for the first time: “Zin, Zhian, Azadi”. In my dreams, I could […]
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Unveils Rich Body of Research, Imagery and Film Exploring Militarised Masculinities Around the World
The concept of militarised masculinities captures the “fusion of certain practices and images of maleness with the use of weapons, the exercise of violence, and the performance of an aggressive […]
WILPF Africa Pan African Women’s Day Statement
Today WILPF Africa joins the continent and the rest of the world in celebrating Pan African Women’s Day. Sixty years ago, on 31 July 1962, African women from all walks […]
Rencontre avec Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo, la nouvelle présidente de WILPF
Q. : Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous membre de WILPF, et quelles sont les raisons qui vous ont amenées à rejoindre le mouvement ? R. : J’ai découvert WILPF et […]
Interview with Delphine Brun on her report – A More Generous Embrace
Genevieve Riccoboni: Your research focuses on the specific vulnerabilities of adolescent and adult men in Cameroon’s North West and South West, the country’s Anglophone regions where protests against perceived discrimination […]