Type of event: Side Event to the 10th Conference of State Parties of the Arms Trade Treaty (in-person event without interpretation)
Event title: The Right of Access to Information and Arms Transfers: Preventing Lethal Secrecy
Location: CICG – Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland – Room B
About the event:
The effective implementation of the right of access to information is key in working towards the Arms Trade Treaty’s purpose of reducing human suffering and contributing to peace, security and stability. Speakers at the event will examine States’ and arms industry’s obligations and responsibilities respectively under international law to respect and ensure the right of access to information on arms transfers, highlight salient challenges when it comes to reporting practices on arms transfers, the consequences these challenges have for accountability and oversight. They speakers will also make recommendations.
Background document: A recent report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human rights (A/HRC/56/42) that addresses the role of access to information in preventing, mitigating and addressing the adverse human rights impacts of arms transfers.
Cosponsoring organisations: WILPF, Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva, Control Arms, SIPRI and PAX