It cannot have slipped your attention, that WILPF from the 27-29 April 2015 gathered more than 1,000 peace activists and human rights defenders from 80 nations in The Hague, the Netherlands. Just as we did in April 1915 when 1,136 visionary women from 12 different nations crossed the lines of the fighting enemies and gathered in the exact same city to discuss how to stop World War I.
The purpose of this year’s 3-day conference was to connect, strengthen and celebrate the work of women peacemakers all over the world and to revive the movement created by the women in 1915 under the banner “Women’s Power to Stop War”.
It worked. It was amazing. It was transformative. You should have been there!
You should have been there!
See the video below and remember that it is definitely not too late for you to become part of the movement. We need you. It is only together, we can create permanent peace.
NB! You can still listen to recordings of the different sessions on our Voice Republic page. No less than 41 sessions are archived and downloadable as podcasts. Listen to the sessions here: