On 25 November 2024, we are opening our photography exhibition titled “Men and Love in Times of Conflict and Polarisation” at the Domplein in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The exhibition will be there for one week before moving to Amsterdam. This effort is part of our work to mark the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
This exhibition was produced by the Mobilising Men for Feminist Peace Initiative of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and features images submitted in response to two photography collaborations. The first focused on Militarised Masculinities and Alternatives and our second collaboration focused on Men and Love in Times of Conflict and Polarisation.
The exhibition is a visual exploration exploring the relationships between men, masculinities, conflict, care, and love. Through it, we hope to spark reflections and conversations amongst policy makers, activists and ordinary citizens about the roles and responsibilities of men related to peace and gender justice and what we can do to increase their support.
We hope these images offer a more nuanced portrayal of men as joyful and warm, caring and compassionate, loving and vulnerable, committed to peace and our planet, and ardent supporters of everyone’s ability to access all of their rights.
This exhibition is a collaboration between WILPF, PAX and the Embassy of Canada to the Netherlands. PAX is the largest peace organisation in the Netherlands and one of WILFP’s long-time partners. Canada is committed to protecting and advancing gender equality and stands with all women, men, girls, boys, and gender-diverse individuals in this essential pursuit.
Other Exhibition Locations
This is a nomadic exhibition and before it came to the Netherlands, it was in Geneva, Switzerland and in different cities in Colombia and it will continue to move to different locations in the world including Lagos and London.
To explore our photography overview to see all the images selected for the Geneva exhibition and learn more about the event, click here.
To follow our exhibition as it travels around the world, visit WILPF’s calendar page.
In Dutch: Over de tentoonstelling
De fototentoonstelling Men and Love in Times of Conflict and Polarisation organiseren we samen met WILPF in het kader van de 16 Days of Activism tegen gendergerelateerd geweld. Na de officiële opening om 15:00 organiseren PAX en WILPF een discussiesessie van 15.30 tot 17.00 uur.
Het is belangrijk om de relatie tussen mannen, mannelijkheid, conflict, zorg en liefde te onderzoeken. Met de tentoonstelling willen we mannelijke stereotypen ter discussie stellen: agressief, stoïcijns, seksistisch, wapens verheerlijkend en oorlogszuchtig. Dit soort klassieke ideeën over mannelijkheid kan mannen en anderen beschadigen. Het is daarom belangrijk dat mannen zich niet laten beperken door heersende cliche’s, maar de kans krijgen zichzelf en hun plaats in de wereld opnieuw te definiëren.
We laten met deze foto’s een ander beeld zien: mannen zijn ook vreugdevol en warm, zorgzaam en medelevend, liefdevol en kwetsbaar, toegewijd aan vrede en onze planeet. Mannen willen ook dat iedereen gelijke rechten heeft en een menswaardig bestaan,
Zoek samen met ons naar manieren om mannen te steunen in hun strijd voor inclusieve vrede!