The 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development took place from 9 July to 18 July 2019.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have the potential to make a difference in the lives of women and girls in conflict-affected areas. That is why alongside our coalition, the Women’s Major Group, WILPF advocated for them to be implemented in effective, feminist ways.
We attended this year’s Forum with WILPF peacebuilders from Cameroon, Norway, the UK and the US. Together, we advocated for feminist peace and development justice, and monitored progress done by countries on the 2030 Agenda, with a focus on disarmament, policy coherence, gender equality, and conflict prevention.
The Forum was also an opportunity for WILPF to bridge the gap between what happens at the international level and on the ground, through strong feminist movement-building across peace and development spaces. As part of this, we supported a meeting of the Group of Friends of 1325 on strengthening synergies between the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the SDGs. We also hosted a workshop to explore the links between militarism, gender, and the environment.
Furthermore, we joined the advocacy campaign of our coalition, the Women’s Major Group, by wearing different coloured scarves every day to raise awareness about our Feminist Demands on a range of topics.
Feminists know that the SDGs require bold action, not failed approaches. Despite the world being seriously off-track to achieving the SDGs, too many governments use the HLPF as an opportunity to defend their business-as-usual.
Opportunities for civil society input and participation at the HLPF were extremely limited. However, Women’s Major Group members, including Sylvie Ndongmo, President of WILPF Cameroon and WILPF Africa Regional Representative, delivered a powerful intervention to the HLPF plenary session, pointing out the necessity of gender equality and peace in development. She urged the UN Member States to recognize that “Financing for development requires changing the rules of the game for development justice and feminist peace. It requires creating an enabling environment for women’s political participation, protection, and rights, including sexual and reproductive health and rights.”
WILPF demands for governments on SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions:
- Accelerate commitments on UNSCR1325, including national and regional action plans, as a key priority for SDG 16.
- Ensure extraterritorial accountability and address spillover effects, including on flows of small arms and light weapons (SDG 16.2) to strengthen prevention of SGBV and all violence (SDG 5.4, SDG 16.1) in line with the Arms Trade Treaty.
- Stop the militarisation of development aid (i.e., militarisation of OECD-DAC ODA rules).
- Use post-conflict reconstruction and recovery processes to address inequalities, including gender inequality.
- Perform gender, peace, and environmental impact assessments of all policies and programmes, to ensure equity and the protection of human rights.
Read our full analysis of what happened at this year’s High Level Political Forum, and why SDGs need peace, gender equality and women’s meaningful participation.
What comes next?
A second ministerial segment of the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) is scheduled for September 24-25 July 2019 during the annual General Assembly General Debate.
WILPF has spearheaded a letter urging member states to commit to accelerating actions on the SDGs that also advance the WPS agenda by the September summit. Read the full letter, signed by over 82 NGOs and coalitions from around the world, and call on your government to take action.
If you are interested in learning more about our work on the Sustainable Development Goals, go to the peacewomen website.
To understand why we believe the SDGs have such potential, read our blog The Sustainable Development Goals: A Tool to Make a Difference for Women in Conflict.
To find out about WILPF Aotearoa’s work with the Māori on the realisation of their rights and in remedying the effects of the violence of colonisation as part of building a peaceful, just, and inclusive society (SDG 16), read our blog He Waka Eke Noa: we are all in this together.