Last Friday, was “one of New Zealand’s darkest days,” said Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. The attack was totally unexpected and the population in shock. The culture of fear has once again won over humanity.
As difficult as it is, WILPF members are choosing hope and acting every day to make peace a reality. In this situation, WILPF Aotearoa New Zealand is showing solidarity with the below statement.
Christchurch, and the rest of Aotearoa, is in shock at the exhibition of such hate and violence against Muslim people. Fifty people dead as the result of acts of terror and hatred – our hearts are weeping.
All of us at WILPF send our love to the Muslim communities in Aotearoa New Zealand and to Christchurch WILPFers and their families, along with their peace and social justice networks.
We particularly send our love and prayers to people in Christchurch who are grieving their dead loved ones, and who are in hospital with injuries.
There are vigils planned in towns and cities around the country, and there are other ways in which you can demonstrate support, sisterhood and solidarity. This web page is a good place to find information.
And here is a thoughtful reflection on the horrors of far right, white supremacist ideology:
‘Every single day, people like me are subject to a media onslaught. Every single day, we are demonised, both by the people who make our laws and by the people who have significant influence over public opinion. And when I say “we”, I don’t just mean Muslims. Because it’s not just Muslims who are losing their lives at the hands of far-right nationalism. It’s Jews and Sikhs and black people. Because when fascism comes to call, it usually doesn’t care what shade of “different” you are. All it knows is that you are different, and it does not like you for it.’
Source: The Guardian
WILPF welcomes the Prime Minister’s comments that this will result in a change in New Zealand gun laws – no one needs a semi-automatic rifle. The world does not need semi-automatic rifles.
WILPF Aotearoa New Zealand
The world needs peace.