The last week of June was Ukraine. WILPF brought six Ukrainians (including two men) to Geneva for the Human Rights Council and to engage in high level talks.
What is happening in the Ukraine and its descent into war is a textbook example of conflict. With factors such as the erosion of economic and social rights, extensive corruption, traditional gender relations, violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, radicalisation and the development of oppositional forces created mainly by an external narrative fuelled by the media, it proves its similarities to previous civil conflicts.
At this point in the conflict, an economic fix that would resolve key differences between the warring fractions of the society could prevent full-scale war. But whether a step towards more inclusive economic polices is possible, remains unknown.
The Ukrainians while in Geneva wrote an report, and it speaks to their attendance at the Human Rights Council and what they hope to see happen in the Ukraine. The report also includes recommendations to the 26th session of the Human Rights Council.
All statistical references in the report are a result of the author’s personal research.