In October 2000, world leaders on peace and security adopted the historical Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, which for the first time recognised women’s essential and imperative role in implementing peace agreements, negotiating peace and reconstructing post-conflict societies. On 27 October 2017, the Security Council will hold the 17th anniversary debate on Women, Peace and Security.
WILPF will host a delegation from Bosnia, Colombia, Nigeria and Libya, monitor the debate, and advocate for feminist peace through strengthened conflict prevention including disarmament and ensuring women’s meaningful participation. As part of our work to strengthen awareness and accountability, we will be launching a Feminist Security Council Infographic and a Security Council WPS Scorecard Research Brief.
As part of our coalition work with the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, we have shared an open letter signed by over 391 organisations from 98 countries calling for strengthening the support for local women who are developing early warning-signs of violent conflict, leading local initiatives to counter and prevent violent extremism and providing essential services to survivors of conflict. WILPF will also support a civil society statement during the UNSC open debate to amplify voices of local women for feminist peace.
WILPF will be hosting a series of events to leverage this anniversary for action that makes a difference for women:
- Monday, 23 October (9:00AM to 2:00PM): “WILPF Feminist Peace Workshop” – (Internal WILPF Workshop – By invitation only)
- Monday, 23 October (3:00PM to 5:00PM): “Sustaining Feminist Peace: Preventing Conflict Through Women’s Meaningful Participation and Gender Justice” – 777 UN Plaza, 10th Floor, New York, NY, USA (Open to the public. RSVP to
- Wednesday, 25 October (10:00AM to 11:45AM): “Weapons, War and Women: Enabling Feminist Movements and Peace in the MENA Region” – UN Women Headquarters, 220 E 42nd St, 19th Floor, New York (Open to the public. RSVP to
- Thursday, 26 October (11:00AM to 1:00PM): “Pulling the Rug from Under Our Feet: What is the UNSCR 1325 Without Our Civil Society Freedoms that Enable Meaningful Participation?” – 666 Third Avenue, 31st Floor, the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the UN (RSVP to )
If you are not able to join us in New York, please read our blog posts, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and share our infographics and resources. Don’t forget to include the hashtags #UNSCR1325 and #FeministPeace. Join the conversation and raise your voice!
To follow WILPF’s monitoring of the UN Security Council’s Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, visit
To learn more about WILPF’s action around the 17th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325, visit