The 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is almost here! In just a couple of days, thousands of women from every corner of the world will converge in New York to share stories, build solidarity, and demand action to strengthen women’s rights and participation in across multiple agendas of gender equality, human rights, development and peace.
This year, the 59th session of CSW will focus on the priority theme: “Implementing the Beijing Platform for Action.” It will also include a review of the progress and challenges in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 (Beijing+20) as well as its five year review (Beijing+5).
WILPF is bringing women from around the world to participate in the CSW and is holding and co-sponsoring many events. Members and partners are coming from: Australia, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Palestine, Syria, the United Kingdom, and the United States; as well as international staff.
Together, we will mobilise to demand that governments move from commitments to accomplishments. It is not enough to congratulate ourselves on the promises of Beijing. We must turn them to action.
Join us in our global movement, Women’s Power to Stop War. Sign the Pledge or become part of our 100 for the 100th Photo Series. Join us at our 100th anniversary conference in April 2015 in the Hague, where we will develop a women’s peace agenda for the next century.
Join us in asking your government to close the commitment gap to promote gender equality, disarmament, development, and peace. Ask them to:
- Hold a parliamentary debate on Women, Peace and Security to cultivate discussion and political will for national implementation
- Commit to banning nuclear weapons and creating national mechanisms to implement the Arms Trade Treaty
- Strengthen the gender equality and peace framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including by:
- adding an indicator on arms control (SDG Target 16.4), and
- adding an indicator on the proportion of government expenditure on social services relative to military expenditure (SDG Target 17.1)
Will you participate in CSW or have you in the past? If so, feel free to share your experience in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.