© 2022 WILPF All Rights Reserved


Editorial Director – Nina Maria Mørk Hansen
Creative Team: Ananya, Adélaïde Barat, Elena Cason
Writer – Emily Dontsos
Designer – Nadia Joubert
Website Development – Pierre Joubert

Thank you to Jamila Afghani, Madeleine Rees, Maria Butler, and Anna Brown (“Changing the narrative on Afghanistan”), Jenny Aulin and Elena Cason (“Celebrating new groups and major milestones”), Rola Al-Masri, Yasmine Hassan, and Jenny Aulin (“Building the movement through cross-border solidarity”), Maria Butler and Anna Brown (“A year of learning and unlearning together”), Ray Acheson (“Linking militarism and the environment”), Laila Aldoaat, Rola Al-Masri, and Yasmine Hassan (“Towards a future of feminist peace in Yemen”), Adélaïde Barat (“Launch of the Caesura podcast”), Dean Peacock (“Shining a light on militarised masculinities”), Genevieve Riccoboni and Zarin Hamid (“Taking action for gender equality”), and Ray Acheson and Patrizia Scannella (“Exposing the human rights impacts of arms”) for their help in writing the stories of change and providing feedback.

Photo contributions by: Rea Djurovic, WILPF Sections and Groups in Aotearoa, Australia, Austria, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Japan/Kyoto Branch, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, Togo, US/Des Moines Branch. Photos from WILPF Archives, WILPF International Secretariat

Videos contributions by: The Story

Groups & Milestones

Celebrating new groups and milestones

In 2021, WILPF’s global community welcomed two new Groups: WILPF Austria and WILPF Guinea!

WILPF Austria celebrated its re-launch nearly 90 years after its original Section dissolved due to internal and ideological disputes in the years prior to the Second World War. The new Group has been founded to advance its members’ shared commitment to a feminist approach to peace that is intersectional, multiracial, queer, and environmental – an approach that transcends borders and advocates for the human rights of all people.

WILPF Guinea was established after the founding members learned about WILPF through a workshop facilitated by Sylvie Ndongmo, WILPF Africa Regional Representative. The Group is focusing on engaging community members to build understanding of and support for feminist peace, political education, and monitoring electoral processes.

In addition to welcoming these two new Groups, WILPFers also celebrated the staying power of existing Sections, notably by marking WILPF Spain’s 10th anniversary, WILPF Colombia’s 23rd anniversary, and WILPF Japan’s 100th anniversary.

To mark these anniversaries, WILPF Spain created a special page on their website and WILPF Colombia produced a video in which members share the concepts and approaches that represent their work. WILPF Japan made a documentary film showcasing the Section’s nuclear abolition efforts through its work to tell the stories of survivors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

“We were impressed by the size and history of WILPF. The values and objectives advocated by the organisation made us realise how important it is for our country to belong to such a group.”
Mabinty Soumah, WILPF Guinea’s newly elected President
Focus country

Changing the narrative on Afghanistan

In the months leading up to the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, WILPF shared feminist perspectives, analysis, and advocacy on the situation – demanding the attention of the national actors and the international community, calling for urgent actions, and offering a platform for Afghan women and allies to have their voices heard.

As the takeover escalated, WILPF continued driving forward this critical work while providing round-the-clock support to members of WILPF Afghanistan and their allies as they urgently sought to safely evacuate from the country. Many of the Section’s members now have refugee status in countries around the world and are continuing to work hard to advocate for the rights of Afghans both inside and outside the country.

To ensure the advocacy and analysis being led by WILPF International Secretariat and WILPF Afghanistan were brought together in one place, a virtual space devoted to changing the mainstream narrative on Afghanistan was launched in September 2021.

Offering blogs on topics such as the impact of militarism in Afghanistan, the need to protect the rights of Afghans seeking refuge within or outside of the country, and the critical importance of including women in peace processes, the space also provides a series of backgrounders on key themes relating to the current situation. It also draws together our advocacy work, including statements made to the Human Rights Council Special Session on Afghanistan.

Why does the narrative need to change?

Over the past two decades, the dominant mainstream narrative on Afghanistan – that its occupation by Western forces was meant to defeat terrorism, and in so doing liberate Afghan women and build a democratic state – has been perpetuated as a means of explaining away the actions that led to the humanitarian and economic crisis now enveloping the country.

But the collapse of Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover was both predicted and predictable. For years, Afghan women leaders and human rights activists have been warning that long-term peace and human security cannot be achieved through conflict, violent intervention, extreme militarisation, and disregard for the economic and social rights of Afghans. 

Through education and knowledge sharing, we’re committed to elevating advocacy and analysis that gets to the heart of the truth – and highlighting the stories and voices of those whose pasts and futures have been forever impacted by two decades of war.

Movement building

Building the movement through cross-border solidarity

Building a global movement means creating safe spaces for feminists from around the world to engage in dialogue, share knowledge and resources, learn from one another, and gain strength through solidarity.

In 2021, as WILPFers continued to navigate the challenges and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued to facilitate virtual spaces for cross-border connections and conversations.

Early in the year, we hosted a virtual session for feminists from Sudan and Syria to share their experiences of movement-building and explore cross-cultural links between their efforts, with a goal to connect local contexts with the broader global movement for peace.

In October, we brought feminists together from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to engage in conversations about online violence and how to stay safe while pursuing feminist peace in a digital world. Listen to a podcast (in Arabic) exploring this theme in depth as part of WILPF’s Political is Personal podcast series. 

And in November, the virtual WILPF Africa Regional Conference brought together feminists from 18 National Sections and Groups across Africa – WILPF’s fastest growing region. Participants reviewed their local and collective efforts, explored synergies between their work, and mobilised to deepen their shared mission to advance a future of feminist peace.

In 2021, WILPF also co-convened the 2021 MenEngage Africa Training Institute (MATI) in partnership with MenEngage Africa, Sonke Gender Justice, and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University.

This year’s MATI welcomed participants from 17 countries across Africa and focused on advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda.


A year of learning and unlearning together

To achieve our vision of permanent peace, we are deeply committed to building our movement and continuing to support a thriving global community of interconnected feminist peace activists working collaboratively for change. In 2021, we took significant steps towards ensuring WILPF’s foundations are strong and our shared goals, plans, and actions are aligned. 

As part of our partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) – one of WILPF’s core funders – we participated in an evaluation of the WILPF International Secretariat’s five-year strategy Advancing Feminist Peace 2017-2021. Using the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability, the evaluation celebrated WILPF’s strengths and offered recommendations for further strengthening our position at the local, national, regional, and international levels.

Among our highlighted strengths were our successful track record as a major convener and movement builder, as well as the achievement of significant growth across Africa – which has increased from four Sections in 2015 to 18 Sections in 2021. 

The report also celebrated WILPF’s extensive efforts to advocate for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which was adopted in 2017 and entered into force on 22 January 2021 – a historic milestone towards nuclear disarmament and the first treaty to recognise the disproportionate impact of nuclear weapons on Indigenous peoples and on women. 

The evaluation is also informing current work underway to develop WILPF’s next International Programme for the three-year period of 2022 to 2025. A global strategy that will guide our continued evolution and impact, the International Programme is being co-created through a participatory, collaborative process involving over XX WILPFers across the organisation and from all regions around the world.

We look forward to continuing to engage in this journey of learning and unlearning throughout 2022 and in the years ahead.


Feminist political economy analysis

Watch our new video to learn about how WILPF’s use the lens of feminist political economy to analyse the root causes of conflict and inequality.

Opening Message

A year of determination, courage, and solidarity

If there were ever a year that so comprehensively and devastatingly laid bare all that WILPF is resisting in our quest for feminist peace, it was 2021.

2021 brought the ongoing evolution of a global pandemic – an event that has starkly exposed the systematic oppression of the world’s most vulnerable, who continue to lack critical access to vaccines and adequate health care.

It brought the escalation of the climate and ecological crisis, which manifested in catastrophic flooding, fires, and other disasters while deepening hunger and poverty for so many.

And it revealed the vast inequalities that women and marginalised populations in every part of the world continue to face – at home, in their communities, and in decision-making spaces – as they bore the disproportionate and differential impacts of it all.

But there was one single event that connected the dots between all of the root causes of conflict, inequality, and division that WILPF is working to analyse, address, and transform: the moment Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.

Through the plight of Afghanistan, we saw – and members of WILPF Afghanistan experienced – the consequences of colonial mindsets, of racism, of militarism, of occupation, of power and exploitation, of corruption. We saw disregard for human rights, including and especially the rights of women, migrants, and refugees. We saw how women – particularly those working for peace and freedom – are targeted, feared, and oppressed. We saw the environmental destruction wrought by weapons and conflict.

And we saw how the international community – despite its legal obligations, despite its humanitarian obligations – turns its back in times of crisis, if mounting an appropriate response will not serve the interests of those in power.

It has all been laid bare. For WILPF, the chaos enveloping the world has brought renewed focus to our work as we pursue, against all odds, a future of peace – a future in which all people have universal human rights. In which the systems of oppression preventing progress towards equality have been dismantled and transformed. In which people and the planet flourish in harmony.

We believe this future is within reach.

In Stories of Feminist Peace 2021, we’re sharing a look at how WILPF’s global community continued pursuing our shared vision in the midst of a year that threatened to bring the world to its knees: analysing, advocating, engaging, and acting with determination, courage, and solidarity.

To all WILPF members working for peace, we thank you for your enduring care, commitment, and time. And to all those involved with WILPF – whether you are deeply embedded in our work or a quiet champion of the feminist peace movement – thank you for being by our side.


Linking militarism and the environment

To draw attention to the devastating impacts of military activity on climate change and environmental degradation, including the racialised and gendered impacts of militaries’ environmental footprints, in 2021 we deepened our collective global efforts to demand urgent action to address militarism as a root cause of the climate crisis.

WILPF Sections from around the world mobilised to participate in COP26, coming together in Glasgow to advocate for a spotlight on the environmental impacts of militarism. WILPF Sweden hosted a series of webinars sharing feminist perspectives on militarisation, environment, and the climate. On International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, we demanded that demilitarisation, disarmament, and decolonisation be recognised as necessary steps towards decarbonisation and a future of peace.

We issued a submission to the Commission on the Status of Women and supported joint civil society statements on military emissions and against nuclear power as a solution to the climate crisis at COP26. Together with the Conflict and Environment Observatory, we developed a white paper (scheduled for publication in 2022) on environmental peacebuilding calling for recognition of the massive contributions of militarism to the climate crisis and of degrowth as a necessary step towards peacebuilding. And we granted funds to Sections and Groups working on issues related to disarmament and the environment.

As the climate emergency accelerates, we will not stop. As a global community, we are advocating, analysing, mobilising, and demanding change for the future of the planet and all living beings that call it home. Weapons and war are incompatible with our collective survival.

Focus country

Towards a future of feminist peace in Yemen

More than seven years after the conflict in Yemen began, peace remains out of reach in a country now devastated by the human, economic, and environmental costs of war.

Nearly 250,000 people have died, whether due to fighting or lack of food and health services. Four million people have fled their homes and the majority are now internally displaced. And five million more are on the brink of famine, including 2.3 million children under five who are severely malnourished.

It’s known as the worst humanitarian disaster in history. And it’s disproportionately impacting women, who face continuously growing rates of gender-based violence, exclusion from meaningful economic and political participation, and the intense pressures of protecting and caring for children, family members, and communities under profoundly challenging circumstances.

The path to a future of peace in Yemen must start with the development of a just and sustainable peace agreement – one that addresses structural violence, employs a gender lens, and centres the lived experiences and participation of women.

To help the country take steps towards peace, over five days in June and July 2021, WILPF, Peace Track Initiative, and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, hosted the Yemen Feminist Peace Convening – a series of roundtables and interactive dialogues to discuss the root causes of conflict in Yemen, current peace efforts, and feminist policy options.

Welcoming Yemeni academics, experts, peace activists, and allies from all over the world, the Convening also collected feedback about the Feminist Peace Roadmap – a guiding framework for the achievement of peace in Yemen.

Developed in collaboration with a wide range of women peace activists and organisations – including nearly 200 women and men with lived experience of the ongoing conflict and its consequences for health, education, justice, and human rights – the Feminist Peace Roadmap strives to inform an inclusive and accountable peace building process.

“The meaningful influence of women on peace in Yemen does not only depend on their efforts – it depends strongly on the space that is created for them, the access that is granted, the power that is shared.”
Pascalle Grotenhuis, Dutch Ambassador for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality at the Yemen Feminist Peace Convening
Peace & Poetry

Launch of Caesura podcast

2021 brought the launch of Caesura – a five-episode podcast celebrating women and our common work for peace, freedom, and equality.

Meaning “pause” in Latin, Caesura – a collective project developed by WILPF – invited listeners to take a moment out of their day to become immersed in the words of Colombian poet Ángela Ramos and hear from an exceptional panel of guests from all over the world.

Each episode examined topics such as intergenerational trauma and wisdom, the logic behind global security, the role men can play in elevating women’s voices, and much more.

Come take a break with us: Listen to Caesura now.

Part 1: The Beginning


Part 2: The Present


Part 3: The Past


Part 4: The Dream


Part 5: The Future

Mobilising men for peace

Shining a light on militarised masculinities

In partnership with the MenEngage Alliance, in 2021 WILPF launched a new initiative to shine a light on the concept of “militarised masculinities” and to mobilise men for feminist peace.

Through this project, WILPF is working in ten countries around the world to conduct on-the-ground research and actively educate and mobilise men to speak up for women’s rights, gender equality, and peace. In 2022, the project team will be launching a series of documentary films telling the story of efforts in Afghanistan, Cameroon, Colombia, and the DRC to mobilise men to counter militarism and support peace. The team will also be publishing nearly 20 reports based on original research that draws together findings at both the global and country levels. 

In December 2021, the project team was thrilled to announce a new photography competition inviting photographers from all over the world to submit photos and photo essays responding to the concept of militarised masculinities and their alternatives. The 266 submitted images documented the relationship between masculinities, conflict and peace, and violence and care. 

Submissions are being judged by a high-profile jury convened by Pete Muller, winner of the 2015 World Press Photograph of the Year and long-time chronicler of divergent forms of masculinities. The jury includes Donna Ferrato, famous for her work to document the impact of domestic violence; multi-award winning Jahi Chikwendiu from the Washington Post; National Geographic’s Regional Director for Latin America, Gael Almeida; The Atlantic’s Visuals Editor, Jehan Jillani; artist, artivist and cultural vigilante, Tasha Douge; and TIME’s Editor at Large for Special Projects, Paul Moakley. 

We invite you to view the shortlisted images and check back for an announcement about the winners on Tuesday, 15 March 2022! 
Gender Equality

Taking action for gender equality

Throughout 2021, WILPF deepened its work for global gender equality through participation in the development of the new Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action, and monitoring of the Generation Equality Forum. A multi-stakeholder, worldwide gathering that kickstarted a five-year goal to accelerate ambitious action toward gender equality and women’s rights, the Forum was convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France.

In advance of the Forum, WILPF launched a series of policy briefs exploring thematic interlinkages between the Women, Peace and Security agenda and the topics of the six Generation Equality Action Coalitions to help shape the coalitions’ work. These briefs aimed to bring peace and demilitarisation into the Forum’s discussions, and demonstrate why these issues are so critical to advancing women’s rights.

Early in the year, WILPF was selected as a Catalytic Member of the new Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action – one of the key outcomes for the Forum. In the coming years, WILPF will leverage this role to help drive tangible progress towards global gender equality by supporting the work of women peacebuilders and peace activists and advocating for demilitarisation and disarmament.

Human rights

Exposing the human rights impacts of arms

The past year brought focus to our global efforts to highlight the human rights impacts of weapons and our call for disarmament as a necessary step towards the achievement of peace and human security.

In 2021, we continued to raise the profile of weapons issues within human rights fora and disarmament spaces – including a submission to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) examining the human rights impact of firearms on children and youth; submissions to the UN Human Rights Committee about human rights, arms transfers, and nuclear weapons; a submission to the UN CEDAW Committee on the use of arms in internal repression and the impacts of surveillance technologies; and a submission to the UN Working Group on Mercenaries regarding the human rights implications of cyber mercenaries.

Across Africa, 17 WILPF Sections organised events in partnership with the Gender Equality Network for Small Arms Control (GENSAC) for the #bulletproofinclusion campaign to draw attention to the impact of small arms and light weapons on women’s safety and well-being.

We also worked extensively on a resolution of the UN Human Rights Council relating to weapons transfers and contributed to conversations about how to prevent businesses from negatively impacting human rights, specifically in relation to weapons and conflict.

"Small arms affect people of different genders in very specific ways, both as perpetrators and as victims, and often in relation to gender roles and expectations. (…) They can increase women’s vulnerabilities: they make it easier for men to commit sexual violence, make domestic violence more deadly, and facilitate human trafficking.

But the possession and use of guns are also linked to the perpetuation of violent masculinities and the militarisation of communities, which in turn affect women and men alike."

From article on GENSAC’s #bulletproofinclusion campaign

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Berit Aasen

Europe Alternate Regional Representative

Berit Aasen is a sociologist by training and has worked at the OsloMet Metropolitan University on Oslo. She has 40 years of experience in research and consultancy in development studies, including women, peace, and security, and in later years in asylum and refugee studies. Berit Aasen joined WILPF Norway five years ago. She is an alternate member of the National Board of WILPF Norway, and representing WILPF Norway in the UN Association of Norway, the Norwegian 1325 network and the Norwegian Women’s Lobby. Berit Aasen has been active in the WILPF European Liaison group and is committed to strengthening WILPF sections and membership both in Europe and relations across continents.

Your donation isn’t just a financial transaction; it’s a step toward a more compassionate and equitable world. With your support, we’re poised to achieve lasting change that echoes through generations. Thank you!

Thank you!

Melissa Torres


Prior to being elected Vice-President, Melissa Torres was the WILPF US International Board Member from 2015 to 2018. Melissa joined WILPF in 2011 when she was selected as a Delegate to the Commission on the Status of Women as part of the WILPF US’ Practicum in Advocacy Programme at the United Nations, which she later led. She holds a PhD in Social Work and is a professor and Global Health Scholar at Baylor College of Medicine and research lead at BCM Anti-Human Trafficking Program. Of Mexican descent and a native of the US/Mexico border, Melissa is mostly concerned with the protection of displaced Latinxs in the Americas. Her work includes training, research, and service provision with the American Red Cross, the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Centre, and refugee resettlement programs in the U.S. Some of her goals as Vice-President are to highlight intersectionality and increase diversity by fostering inclusive spaces for mentorship and leadership. She also contributes to WILPF’s emerging work on the topic of displacement and migration.

Jamila Afghani


Jamila Afghani is the President of WILPF Afghanistan which she started in 2015. She is also an active member and founder of several organisations including the Noor Educational and Capacity Development Organisation (NECDO). Elected in 2018 as South Asia Regional Representative to WILPF’s International Board, WILPF benefits from Jamila’s work experience in education, migration, gender, including gender-based violence and democratic governance in post-conflict and transitional countries.

A woman in a blue, black, and white dress smiles radiantly in front of a leafy green background.

Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo


Sylvie Jacqueline NDONGMO is a human rights and peace leader with over 27 years experience including ten within WILPF. She has a multi-disciplinary background with a track record of multiple socio-economic development projects implemented to improve policies, practices and peace-oriented actions. Sylvie is the founder of WILPF Cameroon and was the Section’s president until 2022. She co-coordinated the African Working Group before her election as Africa Representative to WILPF’s International Board in 2018. A teacher by profession and an African Union Trainer in peace support operations, Sylvie has extensive experience advocating for the political and social rights of women in Africa and worldwide.

WILPF Afghanistan

In response to the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban and its targeted attacks on civil society members, WILPF Afghanistan issued several statements calling on the international community to stand in solidarity with Afghan people and ensure that their rights be upheld, including access to aid. The Section also published 100 Untold Stories of War and Peace, a compilation of true stories that highlight the effects of war and militarisation on the region. 

IPB Congress Barcelona

WILPF Germany (+Young WILPF network), WILPF Spain and MENA Regional Representative

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WILPF uses feminist analysis to argue that militarisation is a counter-productive and ill-conceived response to establishing security in the world. The more society becomes militarised, the more violence and injustice are likely to grow locally and worldwide.

Sixteen states are believed to have supplied weapons to Afghanistan from 2001 to 2020 with the US supplying 74 % of weapons, followed by Russia. Much of this equipment was left behind by the US military and is being used to inflate Taliban’s arsenal. WILPF is calling for better oversight on arms movement, for compensating affected Afghan people and for an end to all militarised systems.

Militarised masculinity

Mobilising men and boys around feminist peace has been one way of deconstructing and redefining masculinities. WILPF shares a feminist analysis on the links between militarism, masculinities, peace and security. We explore opportunities for strengthening activists’ action to build equal partnerships among women and men for gender equality.

WILPF has been working on challenging the prevailing notion of masculinity based on men’s physical and social superiority to, and dominance of, women in Afghanistan. It recognizes that these notions are not representative of all Afghan men, contrary to the publicly prevailing notion.

Feminist peace​

In WILPF’s view, any process towards establishing peace that has not been partly designed by women remains deficient. Beyond bringing perspectives that encapsulate the views of half of the society and unlike the men only designed processes, women’s true and meaningful participation allows the situation to improve.

In Afghanistan, WILPF has been demanding that women occupy the front seats at the negotiating tables. The experience of the past 20 has shown that women’s presence produces more sustainable solutions when they are empowered and enabled to play a role.

Video Transcript

(WILPF logo and the words “Feminist Political Economy” on dark blue background.)
(Images of a hand holding a pencil shaped like a magnet, a vote ballot box against black background.)
Economic policies should be based on how we want our societies governed
(Images of a gasoline container, a globe, a tree, a cow and a woman move towards the magnet shaped pencil.)
our resources distributed, as well as our relationship to the planet.
(Images of a building, a politician giving speech at a podium and a group of people standing in the audience with banners, against a dark blue background.)
As activists or citizens we rarely get a chance to engage in this decision-making. It’s seen as the expert’s domain.
(Image of a monument built with stacks of cash and coins against a dark blue background. People and cars go in. The monument has an image of a factory on the left side and image of a crane on the right.)
But the economy and how we organise it is actually a matter of understanding how we can best care for each other
(Images of blooming flowers, leaves, a barn, a tractor and houses get added to the existing image.)
and the environment.
(Image of a globe coloured in grey, against a dark blue background.)
Policies should be based on the values
(Colour of the globe changes to blue and green.)
we want our societies built on.
(The image of the globe splits in half and a board with the word “Equality” and a copper badge at the bottom comes out.)
WILPF works towards putting equality,
(The word on the board is replaced by the word “justice”.)
(Word on the board is replaced by the word “solidarity”.)
(The word on the board is replaced by the word “care”.)
and care at the center of our societies
(The word on the board is replaced by the word peace.)
and of peace.
(The board falls down and a golden key with a blue sache with the words “Sustainability appear.)
And the sustainability of our planet is key.
(Images of trees and animals on both sides, human figures carrying a brick with “capitalism” written are in the centre. On top of the brick are figures of buildings, a crate, a cow, a crane and an army tank.)
But the current mainstream political economy based on capitalism
(Words on brick are replaced by the word “neoliberalism” and bags of money fall on top of the brick.)
and neoliberalism creates the exact opposite,
(Missings fall from above. The brick cracks.)
fueling conflict, inequality and environmental destruction.
(Six hands appear and cover the image.)
(The writing “We want to change that” against a light blue background and images of women with banners, a tree, a cow and a building surrounding the words.)
We want to change that.
(Figure of a woman staring at a grey wall with two framed photos and a vase on the left. One of the photos is of a group of men with faces cut out, labeled as “Parliament” to the left and the other frame with a woman working in a factory labeled “Economy” to the right.)
We are carrying out a feminist political economy analysis,
(The woman moves to the frame labeled “Economy”.)
focusing on how gender determines our social and political relationships and structures and
(The woman moves to another framed photo to the right with many men sitting at a table. The frame is labeled “Resources”.)
the different economic effects they create.
(Focus on the frame. The man sitting at the center of the table eats all the fall and his face doubles in size.)
We also look at power and the distribution of resources. Who’s in control and why and how that impacts the rest of us. We analyse how race, class, age, disability, geographical location and gender
(Walls of the room fall out.The man at the center picks up the table.)
which includes LGBTI play into it. That includes
(Image of a house with a car parked on the left. Figures of a man and a woman. The woman irons clothes.)
the gendered division of labour in both the formal or productive economy
(The woman nurses a child and the man gets ready, takes a briefcase and leaves the house. He sits in a car and the car leaves.)
and the informal or reproductive economy
(The woman works on a laptop)
which usually takes place in homes and communities.
(Woman vacuums in the house. The man gets ready and leaves in his car.)
Our analysis helps us understand how political and economic decisions shape our everyday lives.
(Face of the woman comes to the front and the colour in the background changes to light blue.)
We as a society should not merely be recipients of policies.
(Five women figures emerge from behind the woman. One woman on the right released a dove.)
We should be the agents making change
(The words “Making Change” appears on left side of the existing image.)
to better serve the needs of all.
(A woman’s face against a blue background with a paper cutout with the words “We can”.)
Through a progressive feminist political economy we can
(Paper cutout with the words “Work for” appears in front of the woman’s face)
work for
(Image of a woman against blue background with words “Equality justice and the fair distribution of power and resources” on the left.)
equality, justice and the fair distribution of power and resources.
(Image of a woman’s face against a blue background with words “Equality justice and the fair distribution of power and resources” on the left and the words “Let’s realise the solidarity, care and sustainability our communities and planet deserve” on the right.)
Let’s realise the solidarity, care and sustainability our communities and planet deserve.
(A dove flies in. WILPF logo against blue background.)
Together let’s achieve feminist peace.

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